Greta Home and Academy
About The Greta Home and Academy

About the Greta Home and Academy

The Greta Home and Academy is providing a Christian environment for orphans and vulnerable children in the Leogane community in Haiti. It is training young men and women to become Christian leaders, by giving them a quality education and spiritual foundation through discipleship courses and worship services.More 


A New Home For Haitian Orphans

Each child at the Greta Home and Academy can look forward to a hopeful future. Read about the establishment of the facility and the children who live there. More 



Watch as the Greta Home and Academy opens its doors to give children in Haiti a second chance at life.More

Photo Gallery

Photos from Christmas

Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham joined journalist Greta Van Susteren and her husband, John Coale, to distribute Christmas gifts to children at the Greta Home and Academy. More

